Saturday, September 27, 2014

It was heaven to me....

I am not a religious person, I have no dedicated path I'm on when it comes to my spiritual self.  However, I do believe in GOD an deep down I believe the good people do go to a better place when they die, I simply believe it's their conscious they die with.

Having said that (which could lead to many more discussions) today I experienced my heaven.  I decided to take our daughter and a friend out with my mother, meeting my father and husband. We got on our boat and headed up the Colorado river. I'f you've ever experienced the river from fishers landing you know what I'm saying.  the wind blew my hair back as I good in the deepest breath of the river aroma and probably a few Gnats in the meantime.  I closed my eyes (after I knew the girls were ok) and enjoyed the air flowing as we moved up river.  We arrive approx 5 mile sup and it was amazingly gorgeous.  There was no one at all in this area, it was quiet and very calm. I took a couple deep breaths, felts the sun on my face and listens to the giggles of the girls.

after a LONG week, this was my heaven.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Chapter 20?

I am not even close to starting  chapter 1.  I promised myself when I am done with college I would write a book, it would not be in correlation of my blog, I don't keep up with my words but I have feelings and  experience I feel others could benefit from.  Tonight was an a amazing experience for me, if you know my my career is so important me, I am driven to succeed.  I work hard to support those who work for me while continuing to lead in a direction of success for all of us.  We supported each other tonight, even after a long day of work and dedication to our members, we still came out and celebrated.
Amazing people who work for me and who I work for.....I am so proud to be a part of the team and I honour to continue the support and motivation that we've had to this day. There's no I in team

Alot in our lives have changed since I last wrote on my blog...I couldn't even start to catch up.  However in the same sense I will keep up.

Chapter 1 will start Feb 2015  "The beginning of What"