Thursday, November 16, 2017

Holy Cow i didn't expect this.

In the last year I decided to focus on myself and make some changes in my life.  Don't get me wrong my kiddos and grand kids are priority always but I need to healthy to  be happy. So many things changed for us in the last year it seems my head doesn't seem to stop spinning.   I am still at the job I love and working with the best team I've had in years.  That makes it all so worth it.  I continue to work to grow these programs and keep everyone busy and productive. 

I am at the end of the leg of the process of surgery.  I went today to get my surgery date and I was smacked in the face that there were more requirements via insurance.  I was devastated, felt I wanted to just quit. 

There are so many reasons why I won't quit, but it's extremely hard to keep hitting walls. Today I cam home and there was a case of ensure and chicken broth on the counter.  I may not express it clear enough  but that is a great gift and I thank my husband for shopping for me. That was awesome to see.  I get a lot of kind words form many fiends and so much support from family. I am sure that I will be successful .

Thank you all for always thinking of  me.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

whoa, this week was overwhelming
I search for validation in all aspects of my life. 
I talk a lot about friends coming to me searching for advice, I do this because it opens my mind to rethink things in my personal life.

I was walking out of my office tonight and a friend came looking for advice, she so wants to be loved. She has been single for a very long time and ready to date but not ready to is very different from even 5 yrs ago next to a decade.  Our society is changing so much there are so many expectations of a woman but no one cares how a man represents himself.
This is were the confusion comes in...It's very difficult for women to understand what men think and what they feel.
Even when a man has feelings he is NEVER going to tell you because the man feels that that makes them look weak and vulnerable.  And at the same time here we are as women.............emotional wanting to express our deepest feelings, our needs our wants and to the man, it is irrelevant because it's nothing like what they want. 

And that's ok............women from venus men from is that exact and that simple. Women and men are so different that it will always cause a rift in the relationship,

  Women aren't simple, that is a fact, but men create the issues we have to over come. 
men create the judgement that creates a woman second guess them selves...but they just don't know they do. when a woman is confident and open that scares men away.  When women are in charge that makes the man feel inferior so they lash out with negative energy.
By no means do I take blame away from the women....we are just as guilty. 
But we need to remember we are to live not pout......we are here to experience all aspects of life and Live to feel good.  To be happy and to successful.  Man or women needs to move in that directions. 
Don't let anyone hold you down, experience what you love and endure what you feel.

It's times to live!