Monday, July 8, 2013

He left me because I put my kids first.....

I have many friends from diverse walks of life and for me its unique because I'm unique as well. I have this veiw of acceptance, no bullshit and damn my family all together comes first. I don't take crap from any one or any man for that matter, however... my hubby and I but heads occasionally.  I love who I am and I love that I hold true to my ethics and values and don't allow a man or anyone for that matter to manipulate who I am .  I had a colleague tell me once. " he's unhappy because I put my kids first and I don't give him enough sex".  Today they are divorced....
Naturally I fell out of my chair and went on a OH HELL NO rampage. I was devastated that this beautiful woman who had the most amazing spirit who loved her children and husband so much was put in a position to choose. I don't know what happened in the end but I be a million dollars she put her kids first. 
My point is women are beautiful no matter what size, style, personality etc....we are amazing.  But at the same time we need to hold true to ourself and not allow our ethics to be manipulated. I can browse through people I know and state my opinion but every one is so unique, it makes me wonder why a man ( or women) wouldn't love someone even with the changes as much as he / she loved them in the beginning. 
I am a very analytical person and I watch my husband doing his thing and wonder, "damn why does he still love me' I have become such a bitch over the years (laughing while I write this) I am hard core..I am ok with having NO friends because I don't need drama and I want his attention alllll the time. Poor guy has to put up with my shit! I gained 50 pounds since we've been married I don't work as hard as I should to lose that weight. I'm always sick....Oh my Goodness! And this amazing man still loves me, still accepts me and doesn't need to be someone different who he was 13 yrs ago when we met. 
I want all my girl friends to know you are all gorgeous, successful and independent even if you don't think you are. We have the power to rule the world and men I believe are just  fricken afraid that we will. 

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