Saturday, May 16, 2015

They Raised the bar for all of won't be forgotten

These last 4 months have been not only life changing for me but total eye opening for me. A colleague who I became a great friends with recently  displayed his bravery of life changing decisions.  This not only left me envious of his travels but his dedication to his world that he would leave a job he loves to complete his dreams, his 'bucket list".  However I don't think he's old enough to have that bucket list. he hast he brightest love and dedication. 

I have had the amazing opportunity in the last four months not only to work with a strong, dedicated company but to stand beside outstanding individuals who I call "team" .  Relationships are being built, NOT an easy task. Trust is created along with excitement and motivation to move forward.  What others might of thought of this organization it is so not true, so misunderstood.  Today, I carry such a proud respect for those who fought and hung in there through trials and tribulation.  You are the true hero's.  However, today, new hero's are being created to stand next to you, to learn from you and build from your outcomes and experiences good or bad, you all are our HEROS!

This might sound crazy to a stranger who reads this., I want you to understand an organization near destruction, it was those who stayed and fought who will be remembered and who raised that bar for all of us.

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