Saturday, August 8, 2015

Stay with me

This week was crazy!!! 

I had a few drinks early in the week and ended up spilling my heart out to an old friend who I haven't talked to in months...........someone who has been extremely judgmental over the years, HOWEVER has had great advice even when I didn't want to hear it. I know who I can go to at my very worst and I know who I can't trust. Total shock for Eli and myself.

It sucks for me because my friends are so important to me and when I discover the truth I become so disappointed. I have so many great individuals come in to my world and disappear because of issues that were crazy ridiculous.  The memories stay strong.

Recently I spent time with my adult child in his home.  I cleaned and did dishes all weekend but I LOVED doing that for them and I'll do it again when I'm there next. It was the first time I could be the parent to the adult child and his wife and I LOVED IT. I can't wait until my baby grandchild is born....I am going to have a hard time sharing him.

During this visit I saw my son in a whole different light.  He has a home, he is paying rent and a baby on the way.  As hard as it is I believe he's realizing that it's not about him or her it's about the baby and will be about the baby for the rest of his life. It is hard for him but he is on the road to success .   We can all admit its not easy.  There will be lots of tears, lots of hurt feelings and you will always question yourself as a parent, as an individual, as a man/women.___Mom/dad. 

By no means is being an adult easy.........I'm 44 and I still hate budgeting.  But it's some thing we have to do. A responsibility we have to  endure. 

No matter what you or I have been through we can't deny that we've questioned our parenting at some point in our lives but stood strong when we had to stand TALL with and/or for our children.

Max, if your reading this I've never been so proud of you.......
It's not going to be easy but you can do it
Always remember it's about baby.............not you or her or us!

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