Thursday, November 3, 2016

I talked to an old friend today and reconnected on so many different levels, it was pretty awesome.  you know that saying you reconnect and it's like you haven't been apart a day. we've known each other more years than my daughter has been alive and so this woman has been my strength. We cry I laugh and we love to hear what we're struggling with and/or our triumphs. A true friend. today I did most the crying this time, It is evident that i needed a friend to chat with. work, life all that came into play. I cried I laughed ...blah blah blah

 As we talked we did our normal rhetorical conversation...I don't think we ever answer each other or give solutions it's always rhetorical and solutions to the rhetorical.

I then asked her with no prompts....

What if your getting your ass kicked on a daily basis...............she said

fight hard and play dirty

damn need to replan my game

GOD i love her

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