Saturday, January 5, 2013

New year....New Friends.....New plans

I ended my old blog with a reflection on 2011 and that made me realize I hadn't written for a YEAR! WOW 2012 was busy for us. SO reflecting on the year 2012 we had some huge challenges. Eli moved home from being stationed at China Lake for 3 yrs I vow never to do that again., well maybe.  It depends solely on the situation. However, I don't recommend living apart from your spouse if you could help it.  It was tough on our marriage and to make things worse, upon moving home he deployed 5 weeks later so we didn't have much time at all to adjust.  We've pushed through it and it's well because we love each other and that's the difference. As much as I cry and say that I can't do this anymore, I can't imagine living my life without him he is my hero, my best friend and those are reminders that we'll be ok. he's been home now a year with no interruption  yep its been tough but we're getting through it.

Eli and I renewed our vows in 2012, it was great seeing all of our friends and getting family together.  Elis' mother and step father was able to come and stay with us for about 5 weeks.  And his brother Alex and his family came for the wedding.  I wish we were closer to them all but we're not so we'll make it work.

I have found over the last year a lot of way I look at things have changed.  I have found that there were people in life that not healthy for me so I made changes. I want more then anything to have balance in my life with my family, career and friends. Without those pieces I am not at peace. I remember someone told me once you can have a thousand acquaintances but you should always be able to count your friends on 1 hand. These are people who you can go months without talking and go back like it's been only a day.

These friends are those you can talk to an you know your words are safe.  Your feelings aren't manipulated and your not going to be judge or chastised in other conversations when your not there. I think my problem is that I believe in everyone is honest and true until I am proved otherwise.  Year 2012 has forced me to do the opposite, they need to prove they are honest and true before I am otherwise trusting. It's unfortunate but I have been forced to focus in this direction because of the experiences I have had in the last year.  I need to be  ok for myself so I can be good for my husband and my family.

Don't get me wrong I have certainly made my amount of mistakes of the years but I have been extremely humbled in the last year with certain experiences I have been through and I have made a solemn vow to be who I am and be true to myself and I my conscious will be clear.  I am such an honest person anyways, lying and being deceitful doesn't come easy for me. if you know me and if I've tried to lie to you you know I can't do it. lol

Our daughter is growing into an amazing young lady. She's picked up such a sense of humor from us.  She loves to prank me.  yes I said ME because I am the only one she pranks. once I'm asleep she'll draw on my face.  Once she put power in my hair dryer and when i fell asleep they all stacked JENGA on my face. Im sure there are more pranks to come in 2013! Kaitlynn did her first season of CHEER through MCAS. She loved it and we've recently learned that the middle school she'll be attending has a squad there. It's tough work but I am hoping she'll continue with this sport.  I know she enjoys it.

I did graduate with my Master in Public administration and in 2012 I started a 2nd Masters in Psychology.  This is harder then anything I've ever studied.  I will probably take a 5 yr break and then then work on my PH.d .  I changed jobs in December. I am not working as a Program supervisor at Arizona's children s Association.  I am supervising Yuma and Lapaz counties so that's exciting. I love this type of work.  Direct Services with Adults was an experience for sure but this is what I do best and I am extremely enjoying it. It's exciting to be part of the growth of a new program. Eli is going to start on his Masters this year, he's still deciding on a focus of study.  I am excited for him.  I really miss my peeps from HORIZON, I had a great partner/colleague I worked with, she's an amazing women and I truly miss her smiling face. You don't find that working relationship too often and it was real hard leaving her.  I cried for a few days before and after, I think our COO thought I was going to have an anxiety attack.  She was always a great support for me and understanding when I had to vent and I know I could talk to her about things in my life and it was not only safe but she cared.  We keep in touch but I still miss her! Love ya Rachel!

I did a lot with my photography this year. I am still an amateur  but I learned ALOT.  I have a few pictures I will be submitting to the fair again this year, hopefully something will place. Kailtynn even became involved in photography and has a couple of pictures she's going to enter.  We are excited to put those together. I learned I have a little bit of skill and a good eye for things so I'm excited for the next year to learn more and do more with the camera.  I was able to photograph couples and families around the holiday season and I was also invited back to the EMCO shoot out to do the pictures.  The husband, or I mean Santa hooked me up with some very awesome equipment for Christmas so that will hope a lot with my photo shoots.  The sunflower field was one of my enjoyed moments. It was so beautiful.

Well, it's going to be a great year! There's alot going on ALREADY.  Unfortunately our Marine leaves us again this year for deployment but hopefully this will be the last one, retirement maybe in his near future. and a whole new chapter for the Salter family.

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