Monday, January 7, 2013

You can't forget about you...Self Care is Mandatory

As busy as our lives become or how many amazing or tragic events may happen, you can't forget about yourself. Each and every one of us is going to experience something we don't want to, something that will rip our heart out.  These moments can be so painful we forget about taking care of ourselves. It's not because we need to forget the importance of what is happening in our lives but it's important to be healthy, emotionally and physically.  Once we focus on our health we're able to make healthy choices and feel good about who we are and what direction we're going even if it's not the direction we want to go in.

A few years ago I went through a serious depression, I had some tragic event happen in my life with in a 6 month period.  I started having increased anxiety and panic attacks. It was awful.  At this time I was so focused on what the negative situation was that I wasn't taking care of myself. I wasn't focusing on taking care of these new symptoms because they were debilitating. I couldn't get out of bed some days, I would just cry because I felt my life was falling apart. I wouldn't be nice to my husband I one day I just realized I need to see someone.  As hard as it was I took myself to a doctor and I was diagnosis ed with clinical depression. I was seriously shocked and realized I need to fix this because I was not ok with what was happening to me.  My marriage was suffering, my child was suffering and it wasn't fair.  I had someone to go talk too, someone I could trust. I started doing things to keep my brain busy, and staying away from the negative that did nothing for me.

Finally at a point I felt better and I could focus more on the issues in my life and approach them in a health process. I wasn't crying in bed anymore and I was feeling better about who I was as a person.  It took about 2 yrs and it wasn't easy.  What I learned through this is you can't forget about need to practice self care constantly in your life to be able to raise your family effectively and have healthy relationships.  A depressed Deana was not attractive and I give my husband many thank yous for standing by my side and understanding that it was going to take time.

I did go on medications, A huge dose of medication and I have decreased that dosage to almost nothing. I am more active, I am doing things I want to do for me, I treat myself and I am not only a better nicer person, I am happier and that helps me be a better mother and wive.

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