Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Does it really matter?

In today's world with all the social media we are allowed to voice our opinion more freely which sometimes can create a inviting healthy debate, or nasty words being expressed  The advances in technology has also allowed others to utilize the internet for other things such as research, 

In college there are major rules regarding tolerance and there is a tool used called trintitin to measure your wording in your work to eliminate possible plagiarism. I for one do not believe in that program because when i was attending college my professor and I always had different scores, it was not a dependable measure when it came to decision making. 

So having said that, what is really the make of your own words?  How far can you go before you are made to feel like you did something wrong?  Recently there was a debate on a thread of mine with people who have never met each other regarding the speech Melania Trump gave.  It isn't a secret that she's being ridiculed for what she said in her speech  but who are we to really judge her, 

I automatically judged before really thinking it thought and the discussion on the thread made me really open my eyes. Everyone was right...............

Some say she didn't write that speech, how do we know she didn't?  Why do we automatically think she is a bad human being for using words that someone else used?  I can tell you I have used words over the years that someone else had used, i stole it because I thought it was a good use of a phrase and/or wording.   How do we know she didn't feel like those words were a great way to express how she feels and wanted to share something she believed in?  Is it really plagerism in this context?  Is it really that big of a deal that we have to use her as an example to teach our kids "what not to do"?  Or get mad and frustrated at the other people voicing their opinion?  It can be a great lesson to teach out kids--"Look children, this can be misconstrued and be seen as plagiarism, however, it's what she believes in and she stood her ground" 

that is the lesson I want to teach my daughter...

These are really some questions that came up in the conversation that I have taken serious and has given me the opportunity to rethink my judgement.   I am changing my view because of some things that were said in this thread--

Mitch Kilmer What is wrong with repeating words that someone else spoke, if you believe in them? I really doubt anyone doesn't agree with these statements.
I agree with Mitch, why were we so quick to judge her because she used someone else's words?

Kimberly Wright Knowles She claimed she wrote most of it tho. So she lies and has idiots working for her.

Maybe she did write them all, we don't know who exactly wrote the speech, It is very similar to Michelle Obama's but how do we know that she didn't use the same words because she believes in them? we don't know ---what I now would say is I probably would of said something such as----"Michelle Obama said -----and I feel the same way"  however how do we know she didn't know ANYTHING?  I guess another question is what is the big deal....?

Monica Jo Kennedy I think they both plagiarized it from My Mom and Dad.....they said the same exact words....come on folks....your word is your bond has been a statement for centuries. ...the people that fall into the media trap.....everyone is a bit to sensitive now a days.....ridiculous

Monica had a great point, we all repeat what we've learned growing up and have never been used of plagerism...? Why would she if it's her belief?  

I think at this point we need to stop and look at what is really happening and if all of this is really worth the time we've all invested, do you believe she means those words? I do and if she used the same words as Michelle well, who are we to blame her for not believing in what she said?  

Shame on us.....

You go girl!! Melania Trump.  And Monica...You were right, she's pretty hot!

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