Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Life Time friends- Melanie and Trina

Holy Cow, I have Life long friends!!

So check this out...the morning of  July 3rd this year we had just woken up and we're enjoying the MT air and chilling in our RV........all the sudden there is s strange woman knocking on our door and says "DEANA is this YOU" LMAO

I almost died but when I realized who she was (took 2 seconds) I jumped up said OMG and ran out the door. My husband was probably wonder WTF it's 8:30 in the morning!!  Best surprise EVER!!

Melanie my dearest Melanie........out of EVERYONE in my life you and I experienced triumphs we probably don't want to relive...things we regret and embrace at the same time. You are such an outstanding individual, strong, determined, not letting anyone get in your way, kinda like how we were growing up...you have come so far and  accomplished so much I am so excited for you and your future. You are going to be greater than you ever imagined.

And then we have My Trina.....she who I listened to more than she thinks I did.... who I admired just as much and envied at the same time growing up.  I learned that the weekends we'd go out as teens the next week she'd be grounded. She told me that pattern happened quit frequently when we were teens~

 It was great to spend time with her and bond.  My sister was there with us and laughed at how we acted the same way together on these days as we did 27 yrs ago.  we laughed and just had a swell of a time.

Trina spent 3 days with us, my mom LOVED having her,  I hated thinking I was going to have to leave again,,  but we embraced what we could. We even took a nap together............shhhhh don't tell anyone!

We stayed up with the girls the first night  until 1am playing UNO and making shadow puppets on the wall! Most fun I have had in forever. I miss you tremendously Trina and Hope you can come to AZ soon!!

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